
We are a technical consultancy specialising in computer systems performance. We help clients achieve their performance, stability and reliability goals and believe that insight can be obtained in the most challenging of environments.

  • Identifying an off-CPU Bottleneck

    Tests against a new microservice showed that throughput was constrained and showing signs of an off-CPU bottleneck. This post summarises the approach to investigating the problem from a Linux perspective and shows how system calls can be analysed to identify where time is being spent. Strategic observability and tracing toolsets had not yet been implemented…

  • Workload Simulation Tools

    Selecting a tool for workload simulation can depend on a number of things, including, but not limited to, the features it provides, the system to be tested and the reason for using it – is it a temporary deployment for ad-hoc troubleshooting, or something more long term that is part of a performance engineering strategy?…

  • Identifying EUD Network Latency

    After a client explained that users were experiencing slow response times on a recently live system we met with the project team to discuss the system in more detail and created a plan to investigate the problems reported. Some of the detail has been omitted, but a high level overview of the approach is outlined…